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It’s fair to say that no Wauwatosa dentist would tell patients not to brush their teeth under any circumstance. But if you’re about to get veneers and improve your smile, you may be wondering if your oral hygiene should be as strict after the treatment.

Well, the short answer is: absolutely. Keep reading to discover the long answer:

How Do Veneers Work?

Some patients may confuse veneers with dental crowns, but they’re completely different. A dental crown is used to restore a badly damaged tooth and effectively acts like a cap. It covers the entire tooth.

Veneers will only cover the front of the tooth. They are thin shells made from porcelain and designed to improve the appearance of the tooth and address discoloration, gaps, improve tooth shape, and more.

Veneers can also help address minor chips, and cracks, and strengthen worn-down teeth to a degree.

Why You Absolutely Need to Brush Veneers

Not brushing your teeth after getting veneers means increasing your risk of developing oral health conditions.

Your mouth is full of harmful bacteria which feed off the food particles left in the mouth after every meal. If you don’t remove these foods and bacteria through daily brushing and flossing, they start accumulating on the surface of the teeth and veneers, leading to plaque and tartar. 

This makes even veneers lose their shine but also increases the risk of gum disease.

When they feed on food particles, bacteria also release acids that slowly break down the natural tooth enamel. Though the veneers will be safe, you can still get cavities at the back of the tooth. Sometimes, a dentist will even need to remove the veneers in order to treat the cavity, which means you need to start the veneer process all over again.

How to Maintain Veneers

Daily brushing and flossing is the best at-home strategy you can have to protect veneers and your natural teeth.

For even better results, you can also:

  • Stop smoking
  • Wear a mouthguard if you grind your teeth
  • Brush after every meal
  • Avoid hard, sticky, and chewy foods
  • Don’t chew on objects
  • Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables to encourage saliva production
  • Use whitening toothpaste on occasion
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush, etc.

You should also see a dentist routinely for preventative care, which includes oral health screenings and professional dental cleanings. With all these efforts, your veneers can last 10-15 years, maybe even more, and you’ll keep your natural teeth in perfect condition.

How McCue Dental Health Can Help

Dr. Shaun McCue can help you figure out if veneers are the right cosmetic dental treatment for you, or recommend another way to get a picture-perfect and healthy smile.

To get started, schedule a veneer appointment at McCue Dental Health online, and stop by to discover your options.

Want to learn more? Call us at (414) 456-1091.

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